A-dec Cascade Radius Operatory 3 Room Package *Refurbished*

SKU: 1952
Stock: 20
Warranty: 1 Year Parts, 90 Days Labor
Price: $39,995.00

Upholstery Color Choice:
Option 1:   3 - Memory Foam (Add $750.00)
Option 3:   3 - Standard Foot Controls (Add $1,050.00)
Option 4:   3 - Contoured Floor Boxes (Add $750.00)
Option 5:   3 - Additional 1' Umbilical Each Chair (Add $120.00)
Option 6:   3 - Adec Continental Delivery Systems (Add $2,385.00)
Option 7:   3 - Traditional Swing Trays (Add $585.00)
Option 8:   3 - Piezo Scalers (Non LED) (Add $7,485.00)
Option 10:   3 - SATLEC Mini LED Curing Lights (Add $3,585.00)
Option 12:   3 - 5 Pin Illumination Systems (Add $1,185.00)
Option 13:   3 - 6 Pin Illumination Systems (Add $1,185.00)
Option 14:   3 - Second HVE to Assistants (Add $447.00)
Option 15:   3 - City/Bottle Water Switches (Add $885.00)
Option 16:   3 - Radius 7285 Cuspidors (Add $5,985.00)
Option 17:   3 - Adec 6300 Track, Wall or Cabinet Lights (Add $2,985.00)
Option 18:   3- LED Lightbulbs (Add $1,185.00)
Qty: - +

  • Three - A-dec 1040 Cascade Chairs - FREE Premium UltraLeather Upholstery Upgrade, Double articulating Headrest, Backrest Casting, Automatic Armrests, Chair Swivels 30 degrees each side of center, Radius Internal-Umbilical, Cast Aluminum baseplate, Hydraulic cantilever system with stop plate shut-off, Includes Chair adapter & Upholstery in Your Color Choice 
  • Three - Touchpads on unit for Chair Functions

  • Three - A-dec 2122 Radius Traditional Delivery Systems - Wet/Dry Foot Control, Front Radius Rotational Hub, Century Plus Control Blocks that Support 3 Handpiece Positions, A/W Syringe, Self Contained Water System, Air-Actuated Push Button Brake, Cable Pre-Wiring for Electrical Accessories, Internal Umbilical & 3' External Umbilical and Standard Floor Box

  • Three - A-dec Radius 7115 Assistant's Instrumentation Systems- Standard Programmable Chair Touchpad, Back Radius Hub to Position the Assistant's Instrumentation on Either Side of Chair, Saliva Ejector (SE) High Volume Evacuator (HVE) and Syringe, Cascade Solid Collector on Assistant's Module & Single HVE on 3-Position Pivoting Holder

  • Three - A-dec 6300 Radius Lights - Light Head includes Third Axis Diagonal Adjustment, Quartz-halogen bulb, Feathered-Edge Balanced-Intensity Light Pattern, Optically Designed Reflector, Three-Position Intensity Switch, Toggle Release Shield & Includes Transformer in Rigid Arm Housing - Optional Upgrade:  NEW LED Lightbulb (in place of halogen)  Upgrade to our new LED BULBS. It gives you brighter clearer light, keeps the light head cool and helps lower costs over time by using less energy and requiring less maintenance


CLICK HERE: Premium UltraLeather Upholstery Color Chart