Pass-Through Unit Can Also Be Installed on Wall Wall-mounted units typically use a top-mount arm, however, the bottom-mount (pass-through) arm will work with proper wall backing.
Featuring a constant potential high frequency (DC) generator and a very small focal spot (0.4mm) capable of providing sharp, detailed images while ensuring working comfort and low doses for the patient.
Harmful, low-energy “soft” radiation (which is non-diagnostic), is almost completely eliminated. The constant potential high frequency X-ray generator together with the embedded 30cm collimation increases X-ray parallelism, leading to better image quality and significantly lower X-ray dosage. The control unit records the dose to which the patient is exposed in mGy*cm2. The most appropriate combination of technical factors (kV, mA and exposure time) is automatically determined according to patient size and anatomic region of interest.
Thanks to the protractor with graduated scale, positioning of the arms and the head is stable, effective and fully adaptable to your work. Consists of arms with an integrated self-balancing system. Increased X-ray parallelism and an incorporated collimator allow the RX DC to achieve a source-to-skin gap of 30 cm. The RX DC provides pin-sharp, precise images with outstanding detail
RXDC can be used together with any type of direct or indirect digital sensor and X-ray film. Featuring 28 levels of sensitivity, it ensures sharp images in any situation.