Lab Equipment

Dental Lab Equipment For Sale

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A & B Selection switch now allows for the use of two different Thermal pens to reduce time and increase trimming productivity
A time-saving knife with a hot-tipped blade that promotes fast, easy trimming of vacuum formed materials
Single chambered vacuum former that is excellent for fabricating most thermoplastic appliances
Premium vacuum former features power and performance in a standard, upright design.
Our Most Popular Vibrator
The Largest, Most Powerful Vibrator for Multiple Flasks and Dense Castings
Large, Powerful Vibrator for Multiple Flasks and Dense Castings
3 Speed Selection - Bench-top unit
Variable Speed 4" Diameter Junior Vibrator
78-RK Atlas Heavy Duty Tri-Speed vibrator - Built for durability and rugged use
Compact and Affordably Priced. This Electric Wax Heater Unit will give you years of service.
Designed to enable the user to quickly and easily mount casts
Creates patterns that are smooth and bubble free
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